Luis, a Lynn-native who had been struggling in school, joined YouthBuild in 2019. Dedicated from the start, he earned a High School Equivalency Diploma as well as OSHA-10, NCCER, CPR, and First Aid certifications. An outstanding leader, Luis represented our program at YouthBuild USA’s Conference of Young Leaders, held annually in Washington, D.C.
As a guest speaker at the 14th annual “BUILDING BETTER TOGETHER” event, he highlighted the organization’s tremendous impact on young people and local communities and advocated for YouthBuild’s comprehensive model which gives students the confidence and tools they need to become strong, responsible, and ethical young leaders.
While he thrived in our YouthBuild program, Luis struggled with difficult and unstable housing. In June of 2020, he moved into Harbor Crossing, a development for formerly homeless youth and youth aging out of foster care. Since then, Luis has become more self-sufficient and learned the true meaning of independent living.
While working full-time at Dunkin Donuts, he was able to purchase a vehicle, which can often be a barrier to finding and maintaining stable employment. Luis is a humble, dedicated, and kind-hearted individual, who is still actively involved in YouthBuild through our Alumni Council, offering him a chance to mentor other young people in situations similar to his own.
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